Fistball Inside #44

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Fistball Inside is the podcast magazine of the International Fistball Association (IFA). Every week IFA President Jörn Verleger and Secretary General Chris Oberlehner analyse the latest news of Fistball. The first episode was recorded on the 28th July 2020. It is planned to record every week on Tuesday an edition of “Fistball Inside” which should be published latest at the end of the week on Spontify. More on:
Bei dieser Podcast-Serie handelt es sich um einen externen Inhalt. Diese Podcast-Serie ist kein offizielles Produkt von Äußerungen der Gesprächspartner und Moderatoren geben deren eigene Auffassungen wieder. macht sich Äußerungen von Gesprächspartnern in Interviews und Diskussionen nicht zu eigen.

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  • Fistball Inside | Mixed-Sport |

    Fistball Inside #44

    11 Dec 2021

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    David Galbaugh, Vice President of Sports Sales & Marketing from the Greater Birmingham Convention & Visitors Bureau is our special guest in episode #44. Talking with Joern and Chris after the Competion Manager Meeting David gave insides about his city and what to expect next year at The World Games 2022 in Birmingham, Alabama. #roadtoBHM 

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  • Fistball Inside | Mixed-Sport |

    Fistball Inside #51

    22 Dec 2022

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    A lot can happen in 365 days. From the inaugural women's competitions at the World Games to the first World Tour Finals in South America to momentum building for Mannheim 2023 - this year was packed with amazing achievements and historic firsts. IFA President Joern and SG Chris look back on 2022 and together with special guest Sönke Spille, CEO of the World Champs 2023 share some insides of the upcoming event.

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  • Fistball Inside | Mixed-Sport |

    Fistball Inside #50

    17 Oct 2022

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    Fistball tournaments are important for us. They bring us together and connect our Fistball family. This episode was recorded at the Widnau tournament already in August with team Belgium featuring the new Belgium star Fabi Sagstetter. Off course Fabi is also talking about his recent success at The World Games in Birmingham (Alabama/USA). 

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  • Fistball Inside | Mixed-Sport |

    Fistball Inside #49

    18 Jul 2022

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    Fistball made history at The World Games 2022. Germany won the first ever, inaugural Fistball Women´s event and for the third time in a row wins the men’s gold medal at #TWG2022 in Birmingham (Alabama/USA). Leaving Alabama IFA President Joern Verleger and SG Chris Oberlehner analyze the event and give you a look behind the scenes. Only teamwork made the dream work.

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  • Fistball Inside | Mixed-Sport |

    Fistball Inside #48

    4 Mar 2022

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    The upcoming German Championships on 12/13 March in Hagen is the focus of our issue #48 with Ole Schachtsiek and Philipp Müller. Remaining tickets are still available at the box office. 
    The episode was recorded on 4 March. 
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  • Fistball Inside | Mixed-Sport |

    Fistball Inside #47

    2 Mar 2022

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    The second episode of 2022 was recorded on 22 of February 2022 just after the national championships weekend in Austria and Switzerland. Additional topics are the World Fistball Day 2022 and preparation of The World Games 2022. 

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  • Fistball Inside | Mixed-Sport |

    Fistball Inside #46

    14 Jan 2022

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    In the first episode of 2022 our special guest is German national player Stephanie Dannecker, who performed her last match last weekend celebrating the silver medal at the EFA 2022 Women´s Fistball Indoor Champions Cup with her club team of TSV Calw. She looks back on her Fistball carrier and what the future brings missing the inaugural women´s event at The World Games 2022 in July in Birmingham. The episode was recorded on 9th of January in Pfungstadt on the morning of the final day at the EFA 2022 Fistball Men´s Champions Cup. 

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  • Fistball Inside | Mixed-Sport |

    Fistball Inside #45

    29 Dec 2021

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    The Fistball Year 2021 analysed by Joern and Chris in episode #45 recorded on 29th of December 2021. 

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  • Fistball Inside | Mixed-Sport |

    Fistball Inside #43

    2 Dec 2021

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    IFA has had two extremely efficient and constructive days with at the Competition Managers in Birmingham, Alabama! On the way back to the airport Chris and Joern report about the results.  #roadtoBHM

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  • Fistball Inside | Mixed-Sport |

    Fistball Inside #42

    28 Nov 2021

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    On tour in Alabama 

    President Jörn Verleger and Secretary General Chris Oberlehner, hosts of the IFA podcast “Fistball Inside”, will participate in the Competition Managers Meeting for the World Games 2022 on November 29 and 30 in Birmingham/Alabama. Before that, they are on a promotional tour through Alabama. In episode #42 they talk about their first days in Gulf Shores and Orange Beach, a destination definitely worth to be visited before or after TWG2022. Did you know that Alabama has beaches like Florida just a few hours south of BHM? #RoadToBHM

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